Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Money Cannot Buy

While trying to sort out my inbox, I opened an unread email sent by a friend probably before New Year’s Eve. It was one of those chain type of emails where it threatens that bad luck will fall upon you if you can’t be send it to over 20 contacts. I was just about to delete it (it was just a waste of inbox space anyway) but decided to read it first before sending it to oblivion. The email contains a short Chinese proverb that certainly punched a few holes into my personality. I’ve read it somewhere before and you probably did too but let’s go over it just to make sure we are talking about the same adage.

With money:

We can buy a house, but not a home.
We can buy a clock, but not time.
We can buy a bed, but not sleep.
We can buy a book, but not knowledge.
We can buy a doctor, but not good health.
We can buy a position, but not respect.
We can buy blood, but not life.
We can buy sex, but not love.

It makes one feel guilty right? Here we are living in this world, trying so hard to earn more just so we can buy a big house in a nice or if not, in an upscale neighborhood. In doing so, we no longer have time to spend with our loved ones, most especially with children (for those who have kids). Can’t get enough sleep because our jobs keep us anxious at night. Compromise health because of the tedious workload and in some worst case scenarios, forget about respecting others just so we can get what we want. It’s a shame, but that’s what money can make us do in exchange to all the material happiness it provides.

But yet we still yearn to have more cash. It’s like a global phenomenon that has been taking the world by storm since the beginning of civilization. Men have fought over it like animals. I guess people are born that way. We seem to have greed embedded into our DNA.

The proverb reminds me of a Nicholas Cage movie, The Family Man. In the story, Cage plays Jack Campbell, a rich and powerful businessman in Wall Street. He was surely on top of his game but one Christmas eve, Jack realized what he had lost because of his insatiable hunger for wealth. He lost the chance to be with Kate, the love of his life. He lost the opportunity to become a good father to kids Josh and Annie. He lost the chance to know what its like to live a simple life.

Because of money, I lost precious time. Time that I should have spent with my father. And now no matter how much I have, I can never get him back. Nor the time that I have wasted away from him. And I’m not even power-hungry as Jack was. I was simply trying to live my own life.

Obviously, the proverb implies that money is not everything. To some extent, it can make one happy but that happiness is only temporary. What matters most are the things that money can never buy: a home, time, sleep, vast knowledge, good health, respect for others, love and life itself.

By: Natasha Silverman

Learn Forex Trading Online

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How Traders Get Profit That Make Others Think They are Psychic

The word is out about the Trading Mastermind's new Ying Yang Forex Trading Course and already thousands of traders around the world are eyeing the new complete training program hoping to become one of the elite group that will see the astounding trading method demonstrated live every day in real time.

Last week, we had given the world a chance to take a glimpse at Trading Mastermind’s latest breakthrough and now we bring you another sample from The Yin Yang Forex Trading Course.

In this video clip, Scott Shubert talks about the actual process of identifying the beginning and end of the trend. This is a vital part in one's trading because this is what Forex trading is all about. In order to trade successfully, the trader's primary concern is to identify the beginning and the end of a trend, as well as to identify the beginning and the end of a correction.

The Yin Yang Forex Trading Course reveals how to trade on all time frames in any market condition and how to enter at the beginning of a good movement in price and exit close to the end of it on the appropriate time frame.
Now you have the power to create an endless stream of profit that far exceeds your living expenses.

For more information about the Yin Yang Forex Trading Course 2011 Enrollment Kick off click here!

Free Forex Trading Videos

How Traders Get Profit That Make Others Think They are Psychic

The word is out about the Trading Mastermind's new Ying Yang Forex Trading Course and already thousands of traders around the world are eyeing the new complete training program hoping to become one of the elite group that will see the astounding trading method demonstrated live every day in real time.

Last week, we had given the world a chance to take a glimpse at Trading Mastermind’s latest breakthrough and now we bring you another sample from The Yin Yang Forex Trading Course.

In this video clip, Scott Shubert talks about the actual process of identifying the beginning and end of the trend. This is a vital part in one's trading because this is what Forex trading is all about. In order to trade successfully, the trader's primary concern is to identify the beginning and the end of a trend, as well as to identify the beginning and the end of a correction.

The Yin Yang Forex Trading Course reveals how to trade on all time frames in any market condition and how to enter at the beginning of a good movement in price and exit close to the end of it on the appropriate time frame.
Now you have the power to create an endless stream of profit that far exceeds your living expenses.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Master the Markets with the Forex Training Enrollment Kick-off for December

Thanks to everyone who shared their results from the trades sent out the last few weeks. I appreciate all the Forex traders who have expressed interest in learning to apply these techniques every day, identifying the best trades on all time frames without even knowing which way the pattern on the next higher time frame is going. Some of you are just getting started in Forex and some have been trading for years and are already well trained in many systems.

For all of you who have been waiting for an opportunity to learn what really works in Forex trading without having to shell out a lot of dough for expensive courses this is your week. I heard your request and I really feel like I will be doing something worthwhile if I can help you to finally master this business once and for all over the next few months.

This is the last Forex training you will ever need and it will take you from step one all the way through to how to master the markets on all time frames including the subtle distortions of pattern that occur every day in the Forex market. You will never need to buy another proprietary indicator, software, robot, etc because you will possess the real skill yourself and no one can take it away once you have it.

For this month, we have opened the doors for new members to take advantage of the easiest payment equal to one and a half Starbucks lattes.

If you have ever wanted to look over the shoulders of several professional Forex traders who now earn their sole source of income from trading, this is exactly what you have been looking for. No more hype. No B.S. Just pure trading insight and skill.

During this brief opening for 2011, you will receive 3 months of free daily live training in the Platinum Trading Group. Currently 1500 people have requested information on membership in the Platinum Trading Group and membership is strictly reserved for those who have purchased the course. The 100 openings that are available for 2011 are only available for free as part of the training system purchased with the Yin Yang Forex Trading Course.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

3 Most Dangerous Problems in Trading Forex

Just like any business, there are some roadblocks that my hinder your path to success in Forex trading. These problems if not addressed correctly may result for the trader to give up easily. It is not a hidden secret that there is risk involved in Forex Trading.

But as with any business, Forex Trading involves managing risk. If you understand how to manage your risks then I would say that Forex Trading is relatively, not necessarily risky and your path to success can be less rough than others. Let’s take a look on some of the most dangerous problems in trading Forex.

Improper Training

Training process plays an important part in trading. Without it, it’s like driving a car with a blindfold or walking in a very dark room. Proper training can get you started right in forex trading. And like any business it will take some effort, some experience, some time and a lot of patience.

Although it is overlooked by most traders, it is worth having a mentor. The process of learning and understanding the market may speed up with the help of a mentor. There are numerous websites, forums and webinars on the web that can help a trader but because there’s TOO many, someone will either be confused or overwhelmed with the said resources. So, if you are going for the expensive seminars or coaching programs, just make sure that the mentor has first-hand experience in forex trading.


Trading undercapitalized is one of the biggest problems in forex trading. A lot of traders fail in the business of forex trading because they have in their mind that they have that certain amount of capital to start with and if they lose that capital then they give up. Most traders who are new in forex trading also hope for high profits but do not have the mindset to stick with proper money management.

It is worth considering that in forex trading slower means faster and less is actually more. If you are really serious to make forex trading as a means to live, treat it as a business that requires careful knowledge gathering and serious investments. Take time to gather the capital that you need and before trading with real money, make sure that you are familiar with the platform that you picked as well as with the system.


Traders with small capital often go beyond their risk limits and open huge orders hoping to profit quickly. But in doing this, you are on your way to losses or burning down your account. Even the most experienced traders sometimes go through this once in awhile. Overtrading can lead to 2 things: emotional exhaustion and/or mental exhaustion.

Overtrading can stir up emotions that may lead to wrong decisions. It can impair your concentration and proper analysis. Sitting in front of the screen can wear you down intellectually and even if nothing is going on, you feel pressured to do something even if it makes no sense.

Forex Trading Videos

Monday, December 6, 2010

AUD USD Forex Trading Update for 12/05/10 Next Trade Shown In Advance

This week in Forex trading I am looking at the AUD USD among several other pairs. When you see the “Road Map to Success” you will be extremely excited to experience that you can look at any currency pair on any time frame and using some very basic technical analysis trading strategies you can immediately know whether you should be looking for an entry or an exit, what exactly the next entry or exit will be and what time frame to focus on at this time. When you have this experience it can totally transform the results you are getting from losing or breaking even to consistent increase in capital.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Trade Forex With The "Rhythm Of Profit" By Doing The Opposite Of The Herd

Today I was walking along a gray weathered wooden pier looking at old fishing boats and I caught a whiff of some pungent fresh grouper that a leather faced old man held up to me in a bucket. “Did you catch that yourself?” I asked but he just smiled and said something incomprehensible in native tongue. My companion spoke to him in his language and then he smiled proudly and pointed out over the sparkling sapphire blue water toward the nearby island lined with tall coconut trees gently waving in the breeze.

He explained that his family owned the claim to a fishing area where they sat under the hot sun in a covered bamboo thatched raft and that this morning a school of the bright red speckled fish had passed through and they had hauled in this bucket full. The family always caught the fish between 5 and 7 AM and sold them between 8 and 10 AM in order to keep the proper “rhythm” for a profitable business. Then there was another round in the afternoon to supply the afternoon fish market customers.

In Forex Trading most traders choose to enter and exit trades in a way that is not in the “rhythm of profit” This rhythm is partly a psychological mindset that is different from what is “normal” behavior. But it is also a very specific technical analysis method to enter and exit trades at the points that tend to give maximum profit and high probability for consistent winning.

Once you see how this works and experience it for yourself it can transform your Forex trading business quickly and empower you to finally get the results that you always knew were possible but just could not achieve consistently. Even many “professional” Forex traders end up scratching their heads in confusion as they look for many different reasons to enter and exit trades which fail to put them into this natural rhythm.

You can see right on the charts that this rhythm has been working as far back as you care to test on any time frame. Why isn’t everyone doing this? Maybe the same reason everyone isn’t forming the world’s most successful companies like Microsoft, Facebook, or Google. This is for the few people whose eyes are open to opportunity and transformation.

Here's the video of Rhythm of Profit I made for you.

Live deliberately, trade deliberately.

Scott Shubert

There are still some positions open for the 2011 Platinum Trading Group. We will be ending this enrollment period for the Yin Yang Forex Trading System on the last day of December. For now we will be sending out your video training system asap so you can start during December and be ready to participate in the live trading sessions in January.