Tuesday, May 15, 2007
How "The Secret" is Used in Forex Trading
In Forex Trading and in every business many people would like to achieve absolute success and mastery and very few do. Why? The reason has to do with the thinking, positive or negative of each individual. Although this is explained up front to everyone who enrolls in our Forex training program, there always seems to be a few who really have success quickly while the rest often blame someone or something outside themselves for their lack of success rather than taking resposibility for making it happen. In Forex trading or in any business the key to success lies totally in the choice of where the mind is focused whether on the positive or negative aspect of the situation at hand. One person will take a Forex training course and immediately decide, “This stuff doesn’t really work.” Another person will take the same course and immediately experience results, become successful, happy and fulfilled in life. What is the difference between these two people? Everything is the same except for their thinking. Many people will get started and think that this information on success and positive thinking is silly nonsense or “airy fairy” New Age babble. However, if you meet a number of truly successful people over time you will find that there is a consistent pattern among all of them in all businesses including Forex trading. They all understand the principles of positive thinking, success training or “the Law of Attraction” as it is called in some current personal development material. The people who fall into the delusion that trading or any other business is strictly a mechanical process will never know true success even if they are able to experience some results.
As I often demonstrate in our trading community and in our Forex training course, I could demonstrate a profitable trading strategy all day every day and many people will find some way to not do it. One person will say, “That couldn’t possibly work.” And off they go to try other things. Another person will say, “That method does not fit my trading style.” And immediately they choose to do something more difficult and less profitable. Every day I remind people to observe what is happening in their minds and in their belief systems to prevent them from getting the results they are looking for. Even when a relatively simple method is demonstrated clearly people will find reasons in their minds to not take the trade and/or reasons to take a trade when the conditions are not present.
I often tell people over and over that the most important thing beyond learning the best Forex trading method is to first learn success principles and positive thinking. I recommend classic books and current videos and seminars on success and wealth. Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, T. Harv Eker, Esther Hicks, Anthony Robbins are a few authors worth checking out. Immerse yourself in positive thinking because we are already immersed in negative thinking in our environment. Listen to success CD’s, read books, watch videos, attend seminars, and join groups that are dedicated to success and positive thinking. You will get more results in your Forex trading or in anything that you do by doing this than you will by taking more courses on technical analysis or trading strategies.
I hope this has been helpful to you. Known principles in life and business have shown that this will benefit a few people while the rest will shrug it off and ignore this step. Which group will you choose to be in?
Scott Shubert
Trading Mastermind
Forex Training Videos
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